An Eritrean Maternity Session
July 2, 2018

I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I have to state the obvious: I haven’t updated this blog in over a year! But fear not, I have been alive and well and life’s milestones have been nothing  short of wonderful so far. And I’m happy to say that Boyo Photography has grown and has been involved in numerous projects behind the scenes over the past year!

I also recently had the pleasure of meeting Bethel & Shane as they celebrated the arrival of their son, Kaleb. Bethel started off the session with a beautiful Zuria dress – which is a well known traditional Eritrean outfit. And I absolutely loved it!


We quickly wrapped things up with a walk at a nearby conservation area at the south end of the city just before sunset.






Ottawa Maternity Photographer

As a celebration of Kaleb’s Eritrean heritage, Bethel & Shane framed the word ‘ንጉስ’ (negus), which means King in Tigrinya:


Welcome to the world King Kaleb!

  1. Bethel says:

    It was such a pleasure and you were awesome! I love that we’re featured on the blog! Thanks again 🙂

    • Tsone says:

      Thank you so much Bethel… you two made this feel so easy and I’m glad I was part of your beautiful journey. Congrats again to you all!